"I had no backup" - Story of my failed UPSC attempt and how it changed my life for good | SOS: Stories of Survival

"... I used to cry daily, thinking about what should I do? But something changed soon after...", writes Rashi as she shares her personal journey of discovering her passion by overcoming the career dilemma.
"I had no backup" - Story of my failed UPSC attempt and how it changed my life for good | SOS: Stories of Survival
Jaano Junction
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2 min read

It was May 2023.

I gave my UPSC Prelims that day.

After years of hardwork, when I saw the exam paper I realised something.

I am done with this continuous cycle of giving exams which has 0.1% success rate. The moment I came back home, I decided to stop preparing for it.

But I had no backup. I had a degree of computer science, but I didn't want to go into that field.

May to July were the toughest months of my life. I didn't know what to do, my parents wanted me to continue with the UPSC preparations, but my heart said NO.

"Why should I choose something I don't love?", is what I said to myself.

I didn't even have a resume and corporate sector was totally new to me.

Not only I didn't have any experience, I didn't even know which field I want to go into.

I used to cry daily, thinking about what should I do?

But something changed soon after. My friend told me to make a resume and add UPSC preparation as your experience.

I started thinking about all the interests I have.


I realised that I am good at creating things. Creativity is something I possess, and I love.

I thought about it and applied for a Content Designing internship.

I had no idea how this works, but how will you know if you don't take the first step, right?

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"I had no backup" - Story of my failed UPSC attempt and how it changed my life for good | SOS: Stories of Survival

So yeah, I got into the internship, and later through my hardwork and constant efforts, I got the job too.

It took me one year to reach here. Now when I look back I realise it was a good decision.

So, I would suggest, you follow your heart, everything will align accordingly.

Follow your heart, everything will align accordingly.
Rashi Jain

It might take time. Have patience and set your priorities. That's it. That's what worked for me.

Give God a chance to do something for you. Believe.

Now, I am on the edge of my next challenge. : )

Next story will be on it. Hehe.

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